The team at Eight started working with M&S to bring their in-store fashion imagery up to date. We helped them with model selection and the overall look and feel. This proved so successful that we were asked to help create an interim logo to help relaunch the brand to the City of London (so that they could be seen as the promising young pretender again). The simple M&S logo was so well received that it ended up as the new brand mark across
the company.
This led to us being asked to help create a corporate responsibility (CR) brand aimed at an internal audience. 'Plan A. Because there is no Plan B’ became the rallying cry for the campaign based on the fact that there was no alternative but to change things for the better. And then we helped bring 100 practical goals to life (rather than talk about the dire consequences of failure). This proved so successful it became part of the language at M&S – staff pointed out the black recycle bins weren’t very ‘Plan A’ because too much ink was used (talk about getting beaten over the head with your own campaign). The campaign is now customer facing and still going strong. In fact Deloitte calculated that Plan A delivers £160m to the bottom line and has raised £50m for charity. Sometimes doing good does pay back.