Country Casuals were suffering from a serious bout of falling sales. So serious the axe was about to fall. As a last roll of the dice they enlisted our help to see if we could get the brand off life support. The problem in our view was that Country Casuals only really appealed to octogenarians who lived in the quieter parts of Bournemouth. So in a bid to widen the appeal beyond your Nan’s friend who wore a lot of beige the general consensus was to ditch the Country Casuals name.
We created a new, premium typeface and rebranded them CC (a little nod
to the past). With a more modern feel; a younger, more affluent older person started to shop there. We were in the process of putting the ad campaign together when the company called a halt to it all. Sales were surging because consumers saw the stores as an entirely new and exciting retailer (which suited the owners). We were left with a set of unfinished scamps
in our back pocket and the High Street was left with a successful new kid
on the block. However, we continued to work with them on in-store and
look books.